Cashless payment system
Creation of virtual money and virtual wallets for your event or your living places (sport club, school, office, …)
The system advantage?
- A member card become a multi-uses tool, by giving payment access but also to other interactions (social network, customers database, doors opening system, …)
- The real money only transfer in a single place. Which provides you more security and avoid the card fraud and the thefts on your selling places.
- Your members/customers have on their card computerize money which allow payments. Thanks to the NFC technology the payment is up to three time faster. This technology reduces also the waiting queue and upgrade sales.
- You’ll get in real time the payment information and the card user, so as a possible data analyses.
- To ease the tasks of the users, every tool could become a payment card (key ring, strap, …).
- An adaptable solution for your ski station, events, sport club, public establishment, theater, academic campus, …